This Memorial Day, fourteen US servicemen from Arcadia, California, who died in the Vietnam War, were honored in the county park at the newly constructed Arcadia Vietnam War Monument. The project was spearheaded by Gene Glasco, a veteran of the Vietnam War and Arcadia City Clerk. The monument structure was fabricated and set in time for a special dedication ceremony on Saturday, May 29th.
For Arcadia Weekly, Glasco stated that “the Arcadia Vietnam War Monument has been built in honor of Arcadia’s sons lost in battle, but it also stands in tribute to all living Vietnam Era veterans.” The bronze plaque on the front of the monument commemorates the fourteen Arcadia casualties of the Vietnam War. On the back are three cast aluminum plaques, one of which commemorates additional veterans from WWI, WW2, Korea, Vietnam and as recent as Afghanistan.
In addition to the four cast bronze and aluminum plaques, Masterwork Plaques designed and fabricated the waterjet cut letters and military seals which were also inset into the front of the monument.

“Waterjet” refers to machinery that uses a pressurized stream of water to cut through a variety of materials (most commonly metal). The water is forced through a small hole to focus high pressure water into a very thin stream. This stream is powerful enough to cut out precise, free-form shapes, which we use primarily to cut individual metal letters (from any font) in a wide range of sizes. The individual bronze letters shown in the monument are 3” in height and 1/4” thick.
The cast plaques on this monument are a great examples of donor signage. The majority of the money needed to create this monument was fundraised and donated by organizations and generous individuals from Arcadia. Masterwork Plaques can create donor plaques at just about any size, to fit a large or small list of names for honored donors.
Our studio's donor plaques can be created in two ways:
Perpetual Plaques: When a continually growing list of donors needs to be honored, individual name plaques can be added to the plaque over time.
Cast List Plaques: This donor list plaque can be created in one piece for a list of contributors that does not need to be added to over time. Every few years a new plaque can be added to a wall featuring an updated list of recent donors.
For more information on our cast donor plaques and waterjet cut projects, contact us at masterworkplaques@gmail.com.